Thursday, March 23, 2017

Bump Update: Week 28

Week: 28 (Hello 3rd Trimester!)
Baby Size: Head of Cauliflower
Pregnancy Side Effects: Tiredness...
Bump Status: LARGE Haha She's definitely growing, and getting stronger and stronger. Her movements are SO powerful and so often.

Eating: Anything that sounds good!
Craving: Hmm.. Actually nothing recently...
Drinking: Water, Juice
Wearing: Maternity pants, leggings, tank tops.
Feeling:  WONDERFUL. Sure there's aches and pains sometimes and disrupted sleep, etc, but I really cant complain. I feel great most of the time.
Weather: Its warming up! I'm loving the warmer weather, but also getting anxious about how hot this summer is going to be..
Wanting: A vacation
Thinking: About our upcoming baby shower and April festivities
Enjoying: The weather and this bump!
Missing: Bike rides in weather like this
Doing: Still gyming 2-4 times a week, working, and finally quilting!
Looking Forward To: Our next ultrasound (We get an update on her weight and size)

These past two weeks have been wonderful! We finally had a 3 week break in between OB appointments, which was nice but still seemed to fly by. The whole pregnancy, as soon as we hit the second trimester, has seemed to fly by. Its been so wonderful.

She's always so stubborn when they try to see her and take pictures. She usually has her hands in front of her face or faces my spine. She's been tucked in a corner almost every single time. This time, she was head down in the cutest little fetal position with her knees to her chin. She was trying to turn away towards my spine again but we caught her. It was funny because before they started using the Doppler, I felt a foot on the upper left side of my stomach and I made Justin feel it, and the Dr goes, oh it might have been her butt or something, and as soon as she used the Doppler, she goes "Nope, that was clearly a foot!". Its been crazy to me how in tune I have been with her and her movements. Such a blessing.

Sharing so many of Quinn's movements with Justin, and just being blessed enough to be going through a pregnancy together again, ah, its just been so wonderful. I was finally able to commit on fabric to make Quinn her baby quilt also. With Liam this was so easy to do. With Quinn for whatever reason, it took me more than four trips matching and looking at fabrics and ideas. Its comforting to be finally working on it, and I love watching it all come together.

Thank you all again for your love and support! More happy updates to come!

1 comment:

  1. Such wonderful news!! I would love to see how the quilt comes out. That sounds like a great hobby :)
