Friday, September 9, 2016

Approved for Round 3!

Oye what a roller coaster this has been! A lot of things happened after our failed 2nd round... After the initial shock of it all, some serious depression set in, a lot of doubt, a lot of self pity, a lot of anger - just a lot of bad. I had to rebuild myself all over again, again.

Thankfully on the good side, I still have 7 healthy perfect embryos. I also felt ready to try again, because I know I have to if we want our family. The challenges include the fact that Im almost at my lifetime max with fertility treatments from my insurance. Once the maximum is met all charges associated with my transfer would come our of pocket. We were ready to start a new round in August. My clinic contacted me to let me know that in order to have insurance help with this next round, all of our previous claims would need to be finalized which could take up to 90 days. So, I went back on birth control, and waited for the call saying we were ready to begin. Thankfully, in early September we got the call that everything was finalized and that balance with insurance was enough to fully cover our third transfer. (WHATTT!?) We were so thankful that we wouldn't have to come out of pocket! Even more so, I had a lot of medication left over from my previous round due to my insurance requiring 90 day refills for some of them. This round would cost us practically nothing! What a blessing. What great news. So, our next round is covered, paid and set to begin soon!

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