Wednesday, January 14, 2015


This is my absolute favorite photo I have with my son. I felt a little obsessive with how much I had a camera around Liam. I really couldnt help myself. I wanted to capture and remember EVERYTHING. Obviously now Im more thankful for that than I ever would have imagined.

I always wanted that token "beautiful mother and child" photo. One that wasnt about the outside of the people in the picture, or about the outfit, or make up, drool, or perfect expression. I wanted the one that you could look at for a second and just see beauty, feel the love, and remember the moment in time for everything it was. To me, this is that photo, and what it took to get that photo.

We were on our regular place on the couch, and most likely just finished one of his feedings since he was still awake and not screaming for milk. As you can see, it took a lot of tries to get the picture I wanted. Of course, it didnt actually fill his attention span.. He was bored, unimpressed, yawned, and ended up passing out in my arms. But - Alas - I did get the one moment he did look up to my eyes which resulted in a perfect moment and one of my altime absolute favorite pictures.

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