Monday, February 13, 2017

Week 22: Bump Update!

Week: 22
Baby Size: Spaghetti Squash (1pound!)
Pregnancy Side Effects: Low Energy, Increased Appetite (FINALLY!), Feeling Full, Hip Pain
Bump Status: Getting bigger!!

Eating: Anything that sounds good! I still cant eat that much at a time, but I'm definitely eating more. Juicing every morning too to help get those veggies!
Craving: S U G A R ! Literally any candy, sweet, soda, juice, or ice cream imaginable... I could eat nothing but sugar all day if my conscience wasn't so heavy...
Drinking: Water.... All... Day....
Wearing: Maternity Pants (heaven!), Yoga Pants, Tighter shirts to show off this belly since the looser stuff isn't looking as flattering these days...
Feeling: Wonderful! I've been having a few issues with pain in my hips while sleeping, but other than that, I have no complaints! I feel great.
Weather: Its starting to warm up! The last few mornings have had that beautiful warm but crisp air feeling! I'm really looking forward to this Spring like weather. <3
Wanting: Just.... ALL the sugar....
Thinking: About how fast these next few months feel like they will go by.... I feel like its going to be June as soon as I blink!
Enjoying: Feeling so well health and pregnancy wise! I couldn't be more happy and thankful to feel this well.
Missing: Laying on my belly to sleep.
Doing: Better workouts. I'm finally feeling well again to keep up with a simple regimen at the gym without feeling like I'm over doing it or taking a million breaks. Its great to feel so normal again.
Looking Forward To: Spring Cleaning, Nursery Painting, and Planning a Baby Sprinkle!

We have had a fun couple weeks! Baby Quinn is getting bigger and bigger and moving around more and more! Each day is so happy knowing she's with us. Its becoming more and more real! We have still been having bi-weekly prenatal appointments which has been wonderful for me being able to see our little spaghetti squash move around and growing! Justin's been working hard on helping me organize the house and take care of redecorating tasks. Call it nesting but I couldn't be happier about having a clean organized garage, spare bedroom and closets! We have also been repainting the ceilings which have really given our home a wonderful new fresher feel! Next will be the nursery! We also had a really fun birthday party to attend for our aunt who turned 70! She had a surprise Great Gatsby themed party that was really fun to get dressed up for.

These next few months are going to be such an adventure! I'm so excited about the weather warming up and for everything to be in bloom. I hope to get out for a few simple hikes with the puppies at Red Rock. These are my favorite weeks during pregnancy! While you're big enough to look pregnant but its early enough that you still feel so great. I just want to soak up each and every day!

Thank you all for your ongoing love and support! <3

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